MEDiverSEAty is the legacy of a long-term collaboration among the partners tackling a fundamental node for marine sciences: the reconceptualization of the Ocean as a driver to foster sustainable behaviours and policies.
The scientific research objectives of MEDiverSEAty are to develop a common theoretical framework of Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity Conservation which integrates human and biological dimensions and implications, to foster the crucial role of human dimensions in the protection and conservation of Marine Biodiversity and to make Biodiversity the focus of Mediterranean Ocean Literacy. MEDiverSEAty seeks to advance the international discourse by translating this multifaceted perspective into concrete actions, policies and strategies. MEDiverSEAty brings the cultural, social and political dimensions of marine biodiversity to the centre of two key objects of local, national and regional policies across the Mediterranean Basin as of the UNESCO Decade, namely:
- Ocean Literacy.Biodiversity
- Conservation.
Ocean Literacy is about a deepened understanding of the ocean’s influence on us and our influence on the ocean. It gathers education, communication and civic engagement strategies. In order to be transferred into factual and transformative actions on the territories, it must focus on precise objects.
Too often Biodiversity Conservation does not directly involve citizens (and consequently social, cultural, and attitudinal differences), risking being ineffective (“on paper” only), misleading, short-lived, and generating conflicts with marine users and stakeholders (tourists, fishers, developers).
Due to this background, the scientific research objectives (RO) of MEDiverSEAty are:
- RO1: To develop a common theoretical framework (lexicon, concepts and interoperable notions) of Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity Conservation which integrate human and biological dimensions and implications (WP1).
- RO2: To foster the crucial role of human dimensions in the protection and conservation of Marine Biodiversity (WP2.
- RO3: To make Biodiversity the focus of Mediterranean Ocean Literacy (WP3).
- RO4: The MEDiverSEAty community is expected to have a long-term positive impact on national and EU planning and implementation of governance strategies for the sustainable management of marine resources. (WP2) and the engagement of relevant stakeholders (WP4 and WP5).